Digital Transformation Webinars Sorint.lab & Red Hat

Digital Transformation: an unstoppable forward march of technology Red Hat and Sorint.lab are running two webinars for IT and Business professionals on how the technological advances is forcing organisations to adopt new and innovative ways to do business. These changes require IT professionals to engage in strategic business discussions and become well versed in the technology…

Sorint Beta Version

The turnout of important technological innovations is revolutionising markets at an unprecedented speed, overturning the rules that seemed unalterable and imposing an often-exponential evolution on companies who want to seize their opportunities. The potential of the Digital Industrial Revolution is extraordinary in complexity and impact, moving at rapid pace, completely transforming the economic context. Everything…

We support Onebillion

We firmly believe in IT and Education. This year we have decided to support the Onebillion’s initiative to develop scalable learning apps to help marginalised children get the quality education they deserve. We believe in the IT that helps people, supports social growth and creates opportunities for everyone globally. This is the IT we work…

Sorint.lab U.S.

Ten years ago, our internationalization process began, approaching the Spanish market and following with the openings in England and Germany. A year ago, we went overseas and last autumn we set up SORINT.LAB US INC. with offices in Boston and San Diego. This process has begun from the desire to export our business model. We…